Arthropathy is characterized by degenerative dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue, so cartilage tissue becomes thinner and may disappear completely from the joint surface. For such diseases, it is important to start treatment in time, so that the disease will not develop to the final stage and only requires surgery. Not only can synthetic drugs be used, but also traditional medicine can be used to cope with joint disease. Folk remedies can be used to treat joint disease at home.
How to properly organize family therapy
When using folk methods to treat joint disease at home, you need to follow some simple rules-so that the treatment will achieve the goal and the joint disease can stop. Here are some suggestions from populists:
- When using folk remedies to treat joint diseases, only use proven folk methods and don’t trust the recipes of strangers who are not good at alternative medicine;
- Obtain information from sites dedicated to alternative treatments;
- Do not change the proportion of funds that make up the formula, and if some ingredient does not exist, it should not be replaced-it is better to find another remedy;
- Strictly follow the order and process of drug preparation;
- Study the ingredients carefully-may have allergic reactions to certain drugs;
- Buy folk remedies for arthritis in pharmacies or herbal stores. If you don’t know much about it, you should not buy herbs in spontaneous markets or pick them by yourself;
- Do not buy ready-made mixtures from you-no one is responsible for their ingredients;
- If you have chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, digestive system diseases, if necessary, please consult your doctor.
If you follow all the recommendations, the treatment will soon produce preliminary results. In the absence of positive motivation, it is worth changing the product-maybe it is not suitable and you need to choose an analog.
External use
The use of topical agents is very important in the treatment of arthropathy. It is very important to perform all procedures correctly and accurately, because the drug should be absorbed by the skin to the maximum extent and delivered to the joints damaged by the disease. If a negative skin reaction occurs, external treatment with these drugs should be stopped-this means that the allergic reaction has already started.
Cold therapy is one of the physiotherapy methods in medical institutions. Despite this, the populists have successfully adapted to the domestic situation and have used it for many years. Even if the disease has worsened and the patient is afflicted with joint pain, cryotherapy can be used. When using cold compresses, it can slow down the metabolic process, relieve swelling and lower the pain threshold.
refer to!Since the application for the treatment of colds is short-term, the effect of pulse therapy is achieved-the metabolic process is only slowed down for a short time, and then activated again.
Using cold therapy at home is very simple-in the refrigerator or freezer, you need to cool a 0. 5 liter plastic bottle of water, and then wrap it with a soft cloth on the affected joint for 10-15 minutes. After application, rest for about an hour, and then repeat cryotherapy again. Do not apply cold compresses unwrapped-this pressure on the joints is contraindicated in arthropathy. After application, you can perform a light massage.
People who have allergic reactions to colds, arthritis, coronary heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure should not use cryotherapy. Cryotherapy for pregnant women is prohibited.
Healing clay also helps treat arthritis. For a long time, it has been used to treat the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, and populists have accumulated more than a dozen recipes with clay. Clay has unique regenerative properties-it helps to alleviate the inflammatory process and promote the recovery of the body. If you use clay as a dressing, you can quickly get rid of joint pain, which will afflict patients with arthropathy.
Thanks to the clay, the skin is perfectly nourished and moisturized-all of which quickly affect the condition of the joints. This effect mainly affects those joints that are close to the surface of the skin. It will be effective when applied to the shoulder and cervical joints, as well as the knee joints, hand and finger joints.
Clay treatment has no side effects, however, doctors do not recommend it to pregnant women and patients with heart and vascular diseases. In addition, clay is not used for tuberculous lesions of the musculoskeletal system.
Burdock leaf is an excellent medicine for treating ankle and knee joint disease. To use burdock, you must collect it in an ecologically clean area, rinse the leaves and rub it with a rolling pin.

They will become less elastic and may even appear sap. In this form, the sheet is applied to the affected knee or ankle and kept in the applied form for several hours. This tool will help activate metabolic processes, improve tissue nutrition, and strengthen bones and muscles. Burdock also helps excrete excess salt in the body.
If the joint pain of using burdock starts to subside, it is recommended to modify the formula. This will provide greater strength in the treatment of osteoarthritis. For this, burdock is collected and washed, and then twisted into liquid porridge by a meat grinder.
Put it on the surface of the affected area, wrap it with a whole piece of burdock leaf, and cover it with a hot cloth to warm the medicine with body heat. This formula has a greater repair effect, so it is not only recommended for joint diseases, but also for gout and rheumatism.
Honey, propolis and aloe vera
From honey, propolis and aloe, you can prepare a unique ointment whose properties surpass many traditional medicines for the treatment of arthropathy. It is difficult to prepare, but it is worthwhile to prepare. To prepare the ointment, natural ingredients must be selected, preferably by a real beekeeper. In the initial stage, you need to prepare a bee pod-a tablespoon of this ingredient is ground in 100 ml of hot vegetable oil. After that, the product was placed in the refrigerator for fourteen days.
In the next stage, the propolis is prepared. Crush it and stir with water. After the liquid settles, dry the residue and pour alcohol in a mixture of one tablespoon and 10 ml. Pour the mixture into a dark glass container and store it for two weeks.
The third step is to prepare aloe vera. The thick leaves below were cut and wrapped in paper. Aloe vera must also be kept in the refrigerator for two weeks. After a period of time, some leaves will turn black-they must be thrown away, and then the green leaves are crushed and squeezed out.
important!After two weeks, when the pods, propolis and aloe are ready, mix all three ingredients and then add more syrup. It is prepared as follows-dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a glass of water, and then add one tablespoon of pine and spruce (crushed bean sprouts) there. This mixture is simmered in a water bath until it thickens.
When the mixture is ready, pour it into the pre-prepared honey, pods and aloe vera and mix. In the end, you should get a consistent ointment that lubricates damaged joints several times a day. Due to the action of this medicine, the cartilage tissue of the hip or knee joint is actively restored.
other methods
There are other ways to treat joint disease. These recipes are also widely used to help treat diseases. To get rid of joint pain, you need to mix 100 grams of aloe vera juice, 200 grams of honey and 300 grams of vodka. Inject the resulting mixture for three days, and it is recommended that the container be placed in a dark place. Apply the resulting product to painful joints at night so that the dressing can last at least eight hours. The course of this therapy is ten days. If you need to extend the treatment time, you can perform ten more surgeries.
Effective remedies for joint disease include mustard. There is also a mustard powder formula used to treat arthropathy. In addition to mustard, the recipe also includes honey and vegetable oil. All ingredients are taken in the same amount-two tablespoons, mixed and heated in a water bath. Spread the mixture on a clean cotton cloth, covered with mica and any other thick, warm cloth. The resulting compression is applied to the area of the damaged joint for at least two hours.
Salt and honey have a good effect on joints. This prescription is mainly used to treat knee joint disease-knee joint disease. When preparing the product, you need to mix two tablespoons of regular table salt (not extra! ) with one tablespoon of sea salt. It is best to take the most common sea salt, which does not contain flavoring agents.
Add two to three tablespoons of honey to the salt, stir to dissolve the salt and dissolve with the honey. Spread the resulting mixture on cheesecloth folded into several layers, cover it with a layer, and apply it to the joints. Viewed from above, the mass is wrapped in cellophane or hot cloth-in this case, it is even recommended to leave the product overnight in order to compress as efficiently as possible. It is best to use this remedy in the cold season.
You can use burdock and turpentine to treat the metatarsal joints of the feet. The turpentine must be spread thinly on the surface of the sheet, without applying too much, and then apply the sheet on the metatarsal bone, fix it with plastic wrap, and leave it overnight. Propolis works similarly in this place-it must be kneaded in the hand to a soft consistency and distributed on the metatarsal joints, fixed with a cellulose membrane overnight.
Peri-scapular arthropathy is treated with perennial daisy. You can use fresh grass and dried grass. The product must be soaked in boiling water, then covered with a gauze bandage, and then applied to the joint affected by the joint. Viewed from above, the painful joints with dressings are insulated with any thick cloth or woolen scarf. This compression is best done at night.
Internal funds
Shoulder joints, knee joints and other joints can be treated not only through external preparation, but also through internal preparation. It is necessary to specially prepare oral products according to the prescription according to the recommended ratio. In this case, treatment will give results. At the same time, don't give up the medicine recommended by the doctor-many folk internal remedies have been successfully used in combination with chondroprotectants and other medicines.
Bay leaf
A treatment that many people know-bay leaf decoction will help cope with this disease. Bay leaf is unique in the treatment of joint diseases.

Due to this effect in the damaged joint, the metabolic process is improved and the chance of nutrients entering the cartilage tissue is improved. Perfect treatment of laurel leaf arthropathy of elbow and knee joints.
The bay leaf decoction was prepared as follows. Pour 10 grams of dried bay laurel into a glass of preheated water and boil it over the fire. As soon as the water boils, test for 5 minutes and bring the bay leaves to a boil with a low fire.
After that, the product stays under the lid for another five hours. The produced liquid is drunk in equal amounts (several sips) during the day. The next morning, a new treatment is being prepared. It is necessary to take Laurel Decoction for three days, after which it is recommended to take a rest once a week and continue treatment.
Bay leaf decoction is not an absolutely safe remedy. Pregnant women, lactating women, patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are contraindicated. You also need to consider that bay leaf is a strong allergen-you should not use broth on patients who are prone to allergic reactions.
Gelatin is an indispensable ingredient for arthropathy. With its help, you can not only eliminate symptoms, but also heal defects in cartilage tissue, because gelatin contains the substances needed to repair damaged cartilage structure.
Gelatin improves the elasticity of cartilage and helps strengthen joint elements. Since the gelatin contains collagen, it helps to ensure the strength of the tissue. For this, you can drink gelatin in it and dilute a tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water.
In addition, doctors recommend using gelatin to prepare various dishes. Patients with joint disease can eat frozen meat, frozen-gelatin is also added here. In sweets, jam, jelly, and jelly are very useful. Generally, gelatin does not cause health problems, but it is not recommended for patients with increased blood clotting to avoid blood clots.
important!Those with urolithiasis, kidney and bladder stones, and water and salt metabolism disorders should not take gelatin.
other methods
This sequence belongs to an ancient medicine used to treat arthropathy. A series of methods have excellent metabolic effects, and can also relieve the inflammation of soft tissues that often accompany arthropathy. In order to prepare the product, it is necessary to stick to a series of two tablespoons for twenty minutes. Three such infusions are needed every day-once it has cooled slightly, they will drink it immediately. Take the medicine for one month.
In parallel with this infusion, it is recommended to take a series of baths. Prepare a concentrated solution, one liter per ten liters of water. Because the bunch of herbs contain unique substances that promote blood circulation and activate tannins. If the inflammation is accompanied by arthritis, as well as the treatment of hip joint disease or mandibular joint disease, it is best to use it.
Among herbal preparations, multi-component therapy based on chamomile, immortelle and St. John's wort is effective. Motherwort and corn shreds are also added. All ingredients must be mixed and chopped. Pour a tablespoon of product into a cup of boiling water, and then hold it under the lid for two hours. It is recommended to take half a cup of medicine 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is at least six weeks.

To treat knee joint disease, you need to take equal proportions of pansies, nettle and birch leaves. Mix all the ingredients and pour into an enameled container with a tablespoon of product. Pour a cup of boiling water and heat it in a water bath for 15 minutes. You need to drink half a cup twice a day. In the case of no effect, the potion is doubled.
Will help cope with joint disease of the wrist and garlic. This is a well-known folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. It will also help joint disease. The drug not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps to activate the metabolism. In addition, thanks to garlic, it is possible to saturate the joints with important compounds such as sulfur and selenium.
The preparation method of the medicine is as follows-several cloves of garlic are crushed and ground into a porridge shape. Then mix the garlic with flaxseed or corn oil. One part of garlic must take twelve parts of oil. You cannot replace oil with other ingredients-this is the source of omega-3 acid, which is involved in the repair of cartilage tissue. Take this medicine 5-10 minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment is at least two months. After that, you need to rest for ten days and repeat the treatment.
To find out which treatment is better, you can read the reviews of patients who have already used alternative treatments.
- First review, male, 42 years old: "I was recently diagnosed with shoulder DOA level 2. The pain is plagued by hell, but my wife is preparing medicine made with honey, pods and aloe vera. This ointment really made mePrevents the development of joint disease and eliminates pain. "
- Second review, female, 67 years old: "I was diagnosed with symptoms of hip joint disease, but fortunately, at an early stage. I took a bath with a rope and then drank in it. When I was observed, it did not deteriorate. I stepped up the treatment of cartilage protectors, and I performed healing exercises. "
- The third opinion, male, 70 years old: "The arthropathy of the hand has been there a long time ago-my profession is a mechanic, obviously my work has been affected. The traditional therapy helps me a little bit, but I will use burdock regularlyCompress with turpentine-they can relieve pain and inflammation. "
Home treatment of joint disease is a great way to help yourself and strengthen the formal treatment prescribed by your doctor. If treated with the most effective folk remedies, arthropathy can be defeated.